Even today - millions of bags and backpacks produced later - our goal remains the same. We make bags that solve technical problems or fulfil advertising wishes. Our customers are as different as their requirements. Take a look behind the scenes in our company film. Here you can find out who we are, what we do and what is important to us.

Bags, bags and bags again: That's what everything revolves around in our Bielefeld bag factory. From promotional bags to technical bags, we at Halfar, as the bag manufacturer and expert, design and produce everything that has handles and straps and much more besides. It was 1986 when Armin Halfar sat down at his grandmothers sewing machine to create his first bag. His idea: to finally make a functional bag for his service as a paramedic. About 10 years later, Halfar System GmbH was officially born, founded by Armin Halfar and Kathrin Stühmeyer. Read more about our history here.
Experience the bag manufacturer on film

Why we are backpack specialists
There is hardly a type of bag that we don't have in our range at Halfar - and new models and bag trends are constantly being added. As bag makers, we are masters of the entire repertoire and have the specialists on board. For one type of bag, we have developed into a real expert: For instance, Halfar is considered the backpack specialist. In fact, we have a soft spot for these likeable, versatile and functional bags. After all, backpacks place special demands on fit, comfort, features and design. In recent years, they have become bestsellers that have even conquered the business sector. We offer a wide range of backpack variants such as:
- laptop backpacks and notebook backpacks
- backpacks for children
- sports backpacks - including specialised backpacks such as hiking backpacks and daypacks
- gym bags
- backpacks with thermal function as convenient cooler bags
... and what we also create as bag makers
As already mentioned: Halfar is versatile and we have two hearts beating in our chest. One for promotional bags that engage in dialogue with people as individual advertising ambassadors and high-quality premiums. And one for technical bags and textiles that solve very specific and specialised technical challenges and are designed for special applications.
Through Halfar, every customer in both business segments finds exactly the bag, backpack or textile product they need. Customer advisors, bag designers and production teams in Bielefeld and worldwide make sure of that.
What else makes us special? Read here:
That makes Halfar
Through Halfar, every customer in both business segments finds exactly the bag, backpack or textile product they need. Customer advisors, bag designers and production teams in Bielefeld and worldwide make sure of that.
What else makes us special? Read here:
That makes Halfar
Halfar - the bag manufacturer from Germany
As a medium-sized company, we are still based in Bielefeld. We are proud to be rooted in the region and to grow sustainably here. As a bag manufacturer from Germany, we develop our bags here, build prototypes, produce small series and finish the bags with logos and decoration.
For the production of the bags, we often work with long-standing partners all over the world. We can offer our customers bags "made in Europe" as well as from partners in Asia. This combination of innovative strength and groundedness is what makes Halfar stand out.

Climate sustainability as a bag maker - and what is also important to us

When you talk about Halfar, you talk about one thing: strong bags. For us, this strength also includes living sustainability. An important aspect of this sustainability is the reduction of CO2 emissions throughout the entire bag production process. We are ClimatePartner certified as a company since 2023 and also offer our stock range of promotional bags in a CO2-compensated way.
More about sustainability
More about sustainability
You can also read about what is important to us in our mission statement. Here we have set out our most important characteristics, goals and values. This is what we stand for. This mission statement makes us unmistakable, inspires us in our daily work and motivates us for the future. We would like you to experience us in the way that is important to us: as your bag expert for high-quality products with special innovative strength and individual service. In short: as the maker of strong bags.