Climate strategy at Halfar


We are committed to the climate. Wherever possible, we avoid and reduce CO2 emissions. We offset unavoidable CO2 emissions. You can find out exactly how this works and what we do to achieve it on this page.

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Our contribution to climate protection

Climate strategy at the Halfar company building

Ecological factors already played a key role in the construction of our company building. With projects such as Ökoprofit, the DIN ISO 14001:2015 audit and the construction of our modern logistics center, we have continuously expanded our activities to improve our carbon footprint.

Wood pellet heating, photovoltaics, a green roof, green electricity: there are many things that contribute to the fact that we now operate our headquarters in Bielefeld almost CO2 neutral. And our business mobility is also on the right track thanks to the consistent expansion of e-mobility and conscious travel planning. We offset all transport emissions that cannot be avoided through planning measures. Through service providers and with our own projects that focus primarily on biodiversity and the further expansion of our e-mobility.

Avoid where possible, compensate where necessary: HALFAR® is consistently pursuing this sustainable path. With the environmental policy published in 2021 as well as in cooperation with strong partners. Despite all the measures already implemented, there are still unavoidable CO2 emissions resulting from our work. For example, emissions caused by "private transport", i.e. the journeys our employees make to and from work. That is why we have recorded and analyzed our company's carbon footprint together with Climate Partner. Certified Climate Partner company since 2023.

Our company is ClimatePartner certified

Halfar is ClimatePartner-certified

This means:
  • we have calculated our greenhouse gas emissions,
  • defined reduction targets,
  • continually implemented reductions,
  • and financed climate projects. 

With the ClimatePartner certified label and the corresponding climate-ID page, we communicate transparently about the climate action steps we are taking.

Our steps in detail

Measure carbon footprints

Together with ClimatePartner we calculated our corporate carbon footprint (CCF), meaning the greenhouse gas emissions related to our company. This calculation was based on the recognised standards of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the ISO.

This includes all emissions from scopes 1 and 2, as well as most of our scope 3 emissions. Scope 1 includes emissions from self-generated heat and cooling as well as vehicle fleets, while scope 2 covers emissions from purchased heat, electricity, and cooling. Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions along the value chain. Here we take into account, for example, waste, packaging materials, business trips, employee travel, etc.

Implementation of the climate strategy in logistics at Halfar

Set reduction targets

The roof of the company building with solar panels and green areas

In addition to the volume of greenhouse gas emissions, our CCF highlights the key emission sources and where we can avoid or reduce them. For this purpose, we set targets and then derived reduction measures. 
For example, we are continuing to expand our e-mobility and plan to reduce emissions in Scope 1 and 2 by a further 4.2% in this way.

Implement reductions

In our sustainability report, we describe in detail which reduction measures we have already introduced, how we are developing these strategies and how we are continuing to implement them. We also update our CCF annually. This allows us to maintain an overview of our success in reducing emissions and to identify further opportunities.

Development of e-mobility at the main site

Finance climate projects

Wind turbine landscape in the context of climate protection

There will always be some emissions that we cannot avoid or reduce. We take responsibility for these emissions by financially supporting internationally verified climate projects from the ClimatePartner portfolio. Climate projects demonstrably avoid carbon emissions or remove them from the atmosphere, for example through reforestation measures or by replacing technologies that are harmful to the environment. These projects also promote the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through improving living conditions in developing and emerging countries.

Communicate transparently

You can transparently track our certification via the ClimatePartner certified label and the corresponding climate-ID page:

You can find out, among other details, the category of our certification, the emissions that have been taken into account, the reduction targets we have committed to, the measures we have already implemented, and more about the climate projects we are financing.

Funding climate protection projects

Felt bags with logo presented as MESSENGER POCKET MODERNCLASSIC

The production of our bags also causes emissions that we cannot completely avoid through optimisation measures. 

We make a financial climate contribution for these unavoidable emissions relating to our stock programme and in this way support climate protection projects in the countries where our products are manufactured.

More information on this at

Further partners in climate protection

In addition to Climate Partner, we also work with other partners and initiatives in a spirit of trust for the climate. For example:

B.A.U.M. e.V.

The Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis für umweltbewusstes Management, abbreviated as B.A.U.M. e.V., is committed to achieving a future worth living through sustainable management within planetary boundaries. Founded in 1984 by Dr. Georg Winter and Prof. Dr. Maximilian Gege, the association now has almost 800 members and is a voice of sustainable companies at national and European level and a driving force for the socio-ecological market economy. We have been a member of the B.A.U.M. e.V. support group since 2017.

Partner in climate protection: B.A.U.M. e.V.

IHK Climate Initiative OWL

The aim of the IHK Climate Initiative OWL is both to involve the highly committed companies and 'thought leaders' in OWL and to motivate other companies to join in who are looking for an accelerated approach to the topic of climate. The initiative aims to show that the business community is not putting the brakes on climate protection but is boldly forging ahead.

Halfar has been an active member of this regional association since 2022.

Partner in climate protection: IHK Climate Initiative OWL

Foundation Development and Climate Alliance

The Foundation for Development and Climate is an initiative launched in 2018 by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which was transformed into a foundation under civil law in 2020. Its aim is to promote the global sustainability goals of the United Nations, international climate protection and carbon offsetting. As part of the initiative, a large number of supporters from business, industry, the public sector and civil society are committed to combining climate protection strategies with development potential. We have also been involved since 2023.

Partner in climate protection: Foundation Alliance for Development and Climate