We support sustainable development. Therefore, we are concerned with making our entrepreneurial contribution to the common good. Social engagement is an important part of our company culture and has been our tradition here for many years. In our own company, we make it possible for all our employees to have an equal chance to an individual career and we distance ourselves from any form of discrimination. That's why we also support employees who are not proficient in German. Outside our company too, we promote the elimination of inequality and cultivate responsible conduct towards our stakeholders. We will explain precisely what that means on this page
Cooperation with schools

Awarding scholarships

Cooperation with universities

Regional cooperation

Transfer of knowledge

The Happiness Tour - Glückstour

Type identification campaign



New Work – the future is now

- How can we maintain and further develop our strengths and innovative energy?
- How can we shape our collaboration in such a way as to produce excellent results for our customers and us?
- How should our collaboration be shaped so that experienced players and talents amongst us are happy and their development is promoted?

Creating something great together

Mobility offers
"JobBike" – The work-bike concept

By bus and train

Health promotion

How rest periods become sources of creative potential

Vitamins - power for our brain
Vitamins are an important constituent of healthy nutrition and lead to sustainable health and high levels of efficiency. Therefore, we have been buying - since end of March 2019 - fresh and above all seasonal fruit and vegetables from a regional organic farmer every week. Each department gets a basket filled with fruit and vegetables and all employees can help themselves to this. Here, we ensure that quantities are enough for several days, but are appropriate overall.
We value it when there is no wastage and deal responsibly with foodstuff just as we do for all other resources. Whether apples, bananas, peppers or any types of fruit and vegetable – they have one thing in common: they are a real vitamin boost and enjoy high popularity.

Installation of water dispensers

Coffee, canteen & Co
All employees have access to a modern canteen. The centrally placed canteen is a cross-departmental meeting point for all co-workers and gives everyone an opportunity to prepare their meal in a variety of ways. This is why the canteen is furnished with a modern kitchen where all current kitchen appliances are available and can be used by the staff.
There is a joint breakfast in the canteen on each first Friday of the month for the whole of the workforce, when sandwiches of all kinds are served. Moreover, every employee can help themselves at any time to coffee and organic milk - free of charge - in the canteen and in the four tea kitchens. Employees who do not drink coffee have the option to make themselves tea. Our workforce also has the opportunity to utilise the outside areas of our building and the surrounding green spaces for strolling and talking and walking. We encourage active breaks and meetings. Many employees make use of these.
There is a joint breakfast in the canteen on each first Friday of the month for the whole of the workforce, when sandwiches of all kinds are served. Moreover, every employee can help themselves at any time to coffee and organic milk - free of charge - in the canteen and in the four tea kitchens. Employees who do not drink coffee have the option to make themselves tea. Our workforce also has the opportunity to utilise the outside areas of our building and the surrounding green spaces for strolling and talking and walking. We encourage active breaks and meetings. Many employees make use of these.

Internal education

Bagground day
To make entry to our company easier for trainees we introduced the “Bagground Day” in 2018. This taster day gives trainees the opportunity to get to know HALFAR® and all that goes with it. In this way, they already know a little bit about the company and the start to life at work is made a bit easier on their first working day. Parents and relatives of the trainees are very welcome to gain an impression of their child’s future workplace.