Price-reduced bags cheap from stock
Look forward to our online sale with heavily discounted bags available from stock. As an advertising bag specialist, we at HALFAR® offer you an extensive range with over 200 models in many colours. This makes us one of the market leaders for promotional bags in Europe. As we are constantly expanding this range and presenting new products, we also regularly discontinue certain bags and backpacks. You can find these bags as discontinued models or production surpluses here. You can now purchase these models from us as stock items at sometimes greatly reduced prices. The offer is valid while stocks last. You can get an overview of all currently discounted bags and backpacks in the HALFAR® sale here on this site.
Discounted bags, full guarantee
Customers often ask us: Does the manufacturer's warranty also apply when purchasing price-reduced promotional bags in the sale? The answer is a clear yes. When you buy original HALFAR® bags, you are covered by the manufacturer's warranty of 3 years. This warranty extends to all HALFAR® bags, regardless of whether the relevant items are in the active collection or not. Reduced bags and backpacks that we offer in the sale due to discontinuations or production surpluses therefore have the full guarantee. Finally, the promotional bags offered here are of first-class quality. They are usually discontinued models and items that have been discontinued from the current collection and are sold off from stock. By the way, all price-reduced bags are climate-conscious produced , just like the complete HALFAR® stock range.

From discounted shoulder bags to backpacks in sale.

Which bag are you looking for? Basically, at HALFAR® we offer all kinds of models and types of bags on sale. Take advantage of the opportunity to buy high-quality bags and backpacks at a very good price-performance ratio. Whether you are looking for discounted shoulder bags, shopping bags at a special price or low-priced backpacks: you have a good chance of finding your bargain in our online bag shop. Have a browse and check this site regularly to secure yourself a discounted bag - the range and selection change regularly. And the key is always to be quick! Because good offers are usually sold out quickly. If you are flexible and decide spontaneously, you can save money here and use reduced bags as advertising material.
Get your promotional products now at a great price
With our reduced bags, you receive inexpensive advertising material with a wide range of possibilities and, if desired, of course delivered ready with an individual advertising imprint. As a manufacturer of bags for advertising as well as for special use, HALFAR® finishes all items in the collection at its own premises - including, of course, your selected reduced bags. Common finishing techniques include screen printing, embroidery and digital printing. Simply select the suitable advertising application for your bag. If you have any questions, the HALFAR® team will be happy to help. We hope you enjoy your discounted bags.